Process Paper

Process Paper/Bib

Process paper

I chose my topic because I remember learning a little bit of the American newsboys in my English class last year. While we were in the unit, I remember how fascinated I was and how I wanted to know more about it. NHD gave me this perfect opportunity to learn more about the American newsboys and give others a chance to learn about it. I have learned more about this topic than I thought I would ever learn; with my website I hope provide you with the same information.

I decided to make a website. I turned to books/journals during most of my research because I found that they had the most detail/info. I also did turn to online journals, newspapers and pictures, although I found most of my information from books. I started off looking into the resources my teacher provided me with, these happened to be mostly pictures of my event. It wasn't too hard to find online resources, but it did take some digging. Another step I took was looking in the books my teacher provided me with, but they provided me with little information about my topic. I eventually checked out a couple books that provided me with a lot.

I chose to make a website because it was a new learning experience for me. I thought that it would be the best way for me to get my topic across. I know that later in high school and college there's going to be another time where I am going to make a website and I learned how to start one, I think is going to help me later. Another reason I chose to do the website is because I wanted to provide the reader with online information, because I had a hard time finding some. Although NHD gave me the perfect opportunity to make a website I had a really hard time figuring out how to use their website builder. It wasn't the best for me, and it took me a couple hours to figure out what to do. They did provide me with step by step tutorials, but the videos didn't really walk me through how I make the website, it just gave me a bunch of tips. In the future I would look into using websites builders that make sense to me and are reasonably easy to work with.

​​​​​​​My topic relates to breaking child labor barriers. Although the newsies continued to work after the strike ended, they worked for what was fair for them and what they went on strike for.  I believe they started to break the barrier and opened the public eye up to child labor. They showed that they would fight for what's right and not get taken advantage of. In the end the newsies made a statement and let the public in on what was really happening.

Annotated Bibliography

Primary website sources:

Hine, Lewis Wickes, photographer. Newsboys and newsgirl. Mary Malchade 9 years old. Getting afternoon papers, Park Row.Location: New York, New York State. July. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <> This provided me with a picture of newsies that included both boys and girls waiting for papers.
Hine, Lewis Wickes, photographer. Amusing themselves while waiting for morning papers.Location: New York, New York State. February. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>. This website provided me with a picture of the newsies amusing themselves while waiting for their newspapers.
Hine, Lewis. “Lewis Hine.” International Center of Photography, 23 Feb. 2016, I used this website to collect multiple pictures that were taken during the time of this event. 
“Newsboys vs. the Mayor, 1921.” SangamonLink, 8 Nov. 2017, I used this website to find out how the newsies and the mayor interacted. This went into detail of what happened when the newsies and the mayor met.
“Topics in Chronicling America - ‘Newsies.’” Newsboys - Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room (Serial and Government Publications Division, Library of Congress), I used this site to help me find newspapers that were wrote during the time of my project. The newspapers helped me understand how the press talked about the strike.
Eldredge, Barbara. “Labor Strikes -- Five Historic Brooklyn Labor Disputes.” Brownstoner, 7 Sept. 2015, This website gave me primary sources to my topic. This website explained photos that were taken during this time.
Primary book sources:

Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. KIDS ON STRIKE! Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, 1999. This book helped me figure out what else was going on during the time of my topic. It described every other examples of child labor that had been going on. 
Secondary website sources:

“Behind Jack Kelly.”   Jack Kelly: Hero of the Newsies - Home,, I used this website to get information on the setting of the the time. It helped me understand what was going on during my event and the setting of my event.
Burgan, Michael. Breaker Boys: How a Photograph Helped End Child Labor. Compass Point Books, 2012. This described pictures of the newsies and helped me get more information about how they were treated. The website explained how the photograph helps end child labor and how only picture made a change.
Morisako, Kira. “Process Paper.” The Newsboys Strike of 1899,, I used this website to find out what the newsies did at the time. This website gave me specific things the newsies did to keep themselves entertained.
Santullo, Kristen M. “Newsies Strike.” History of New York City, 7 Nov. 2017, I gathered the history of New York while using this website. The background history of what was going on during the time of my event was found in this website.
Stern, Liz. “Blast From the Past: Newsboy Strike of 1899.” History Detectives, 15 July 2015, I used this website to figure out who the newsboys were boycotting against. This explained to me why they newsboys were boycotting against the press.
Secondary book sources:

Burgan, Michael. The American Newsboy. Compass Point Books, 2007. I used this book as a secondary source to collect more information on the newsies. The book provided me with overall information but not primary information.
Robinson, J. Dennis. Striking Back: the Fight to End Child Labor Exploitation. Compass Point Books, 2010. This book provided me with both primary and secondary sources of the newsies strike. 

