Fun Facts

Fun Facts

Lewis Hine (photographer)

Different instances of breaking child work hindrances

-Young Mill Workers Rebal, Massachusetts(1863)

-Pauline Newman and the New York City Rent Strike(1907)

-The Anthracite Coal Strikes Pennsylvania(1897, 1900, and 1902)

-Mother Jones and Her Industrail Army Philadelphia(1903)

- In 1992, the Walt Disney Company discharged the motion picture Newsies, a melodic subject to the 1899 paperboys' strike.

- The first newsboy, Bernard Flaherty, changed his name to Barney Williams and became one the most famous American comedians of the 1800s

- In 1853, Massachusetts turned into the principal state to require all youngsters to go to class. It took 66 years for different states to pass comparable laws!


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